EU transport emissions underestimated

Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the EU transport sector are underestimated in official reporting because data submitted to the UN do not include international aviation and shipping, according to environmentalist group Transport & Environment (T&E). The share of CO2 emissions from inter- international aviation and shipping continues to increase. In 2007 they ac- counted for 6.9 per cent of total EU emissions, and 24 per cent of transport emissions. In 1990, these figures were 3.8 and 18 per cent respectively. Between 1990 and 2007 aviation emissions more than doubled, while CO2 releases from shipping rose by 60 per cent.

Source: T&E report “CO2 emissions from transport in the EU27: An analysis of 2007 data submitted to the UNFCCC” (August 2009). Available from:

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